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Elle Lewis geeks out with Fantasy author and book blogger- Anca Antoci!

Why do you lik e SF/F? I like SF/F because it expands beyond the limits of reality and lets you imagine anything is possible. I appreciate this freedom.  What book got you hooked in the genre? The first fantasy novel I read was ‘Dead until Dark’ by Charline Harris and I loved it so much that I binged read the whole series and started to research other books in the same genre. What is your favorite book to film adaptation and why? I haven’t seen many movies that do justice to the books, but Silence of the Lambs would make the cut. Unlike most movies, Silence of the Lambs Kept quite close to the book. What makes it fascinating and unnerving is the ‘quid pro quo’ Clarice has to allow a sadistic serial killer to get inside her head for him to help her catch another killer. The dichotomy is unsettling because it shows that a psychopathic devious serial killer that is also helpful, giving wise advice to the hero. He’s also protective of Clarice and when an inmate ...

Elle Lewis geeks out with Fantasy author, Peter Buckmaster!

Why do you like SF/F? Sci-fi & fantasy are places where imagination can roam freely, with few boundaries and endless possibilities. All these fantastic places don’t exist in the real world, but we can go there anyway. That’s why I totally love fantasy & sci-fi! What book got you hooked in the genre? Hmm, I can’t remember to be honest.  A couple of fantastical books I remember from when I was really small, are “Nikos & The Sea God” and “Sir Gawain and The Loathly Damsel.” I also remember my Mum reading Rupert the Bear stories to me, which were pretty wild at times (through a 5-yr old’s eyes – I’m thinking of Billy Blizzard here). I think I really got into reading fantasy with Forgotten Realms (only read about eight of them) and Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (had most of the first 25). Then came The Hobbit and LOTR. What is your favorite book to film adaptation and why? It would probably have to be Peter Jackson’s LOTR trilogy. I remember th...

Elle Lewis geeks out with fantasy author, David McDaniel!

Why do you like SF/F? What book got you hooked in the genre? The Sword of Shannara most likely. Lord of the Rings directly afterward. Shh little secret. I read the Hobbit many years before that and it did not hook me into fantasy. I remember at the time thinking it was a kid’s book. Which I know it really was written for Tolkein’s kids, but I didn’t like it.   In high school I read Michael Moorcock’s Elric books because I loved the Black Soulsucking sword Stormbringer. What is your favorite book to film adaptation and why? I guess it would have to be The Lord of the Rings because it is done so well. I really can’t say that for Game of Thrones though. Don’t get me wrong, I love both the books and the HBO series, but the books have so much detail in them, the story lines go so deep and the HBO series, as good as it is, misses so much. I really don’t know how anyone who hasn’t read the books can really know what is going on. If you could live in a fictional world, which w...

Elle Lewis geeks out with Michael Sturgis!

Why do you like SF/F? ​SF/F - good SF/F - hurts.  It makes me ache.  When I come to the end of a title, and have to close the door on the world that I was visiting, I immediately feel homesick.  Then comes the longing, as I'm forced to wait for the next in the series to (hopefully) be published.  The genres wouldn't hurt if I didn't love them.  I like SF/F for the secret loves that they're able to spark in me. What book got you hooked in the genre? WIZARD'S FIRST RULE by Terry Goodkind What is your favorite book to film adaptation and why? My answer to this wouldn't be very original. I'm sure Peter Jackson would jump to mind for many Fantasy readers. I'd rather answer this question in reverse: my favorite film to book adaptation.  The answer is PAN'S LABYRINTH.  The movie is of course breathtaking.  Images and creatures from that film burn into your brain with the very first viewing. ...