Why do you like SF/F? Sci-fi & fantasy are places where imagination can roam freely, with few boundaries and endless possibilities. All these fantastic places don’t exist in the real world, but we can go there anyway. That’s why I totally love fantasy & sci-fi! What book got you hooked in the genre? Hmm, I can’t remember to be honest. A couple of fantastical books I remember from when I was really small, are “Nikos & The Sea God” and “Sir Gawain and The Loathly Damsel.” I also remember my Mum reading Rupert the Bear stories to me, which were pretty wild at times (through a 5-yr old’s eyes – I’m thinking of Billy Blizzard here). I think I really got into reading fantasy with Forgotten Realms (only read about eight of them) and Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (had most of the first 25). Then came The Hobbit and LOTR. What is your favorite book to film adaptation and why? It would probably have to be Peter Jackson’s LOTR trilogy. I remember th...
Author of The Glass Star Trilogy