Why do you like SF/F? What book got you hooked in the genre? The Sword of Shannara most likely. Lord of the Rings directly afterward. Shh little secret. I read the Hobbit many years before that and it did not hook me into fantasy. I remember at the time thinking it was a kid’s book. Which I know it really was written for Tolkein’s kids, but I didn’t like it. In high school I read Michael Moorcock’s Elric books because I loved the Black Soulsucking sword Stormbringer. What is your favorite book to film adaptation and why? I guess it would have to be The Lord of the Rings because it is done so well. I really can’t say that for Game of Thrones though. Don’t get me wrong, I love both the books and the HBO series, but the books have so much detail in them, the story lines go so deep and the HBO series, as good as it is, misses so much. I really don’t know how anyone who hasn’t read the books can really know what is going on. If you could live in a fictional world, which w...
Author of The Glass Star Trilogy